"Seize Creation and Transformation"


Steal Heaven and Earth,
seize creation and transformation.
Gather the five agents,
bring the eight trigrams together.


A scripture on the Elixir says: "If the human Heart joins with the Heart of Heaven, reversing Yin and Yang takes only one instant." This means that with one exhalation and one inhalation you can “seize creation and transformation.” In one day, a human being makes 13,500 exhalations and 13,500 inhalations. One exhalation and one inhalation correspond to one breath; thus in the space of one breath, you hiddenly seize the number of a celestial revolution of 13,500 years. In one year, you make 4,860,000 breaths, and you hiddenly seize the number of a celestial revolution of 4,860,000 years.

Source: Verses quoted from the Ruyao jing (Mirror for Compounding the Medicine) — Commentary by Wang Jie (14th century)


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