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jindan 金丹

golden elixir

① With huandan 還丹 "reverted elixir", one of the main designations of the Elixir in Neidan.

If you study immortality, you should study celestial immortality: only the Golden Elixir is the highest principle. 學仙須是學天仙,惟有金丹最的端。 (Awakening to Reality, "Regulated Verses", poem 3)

The scriptures of the Immortals, ten thousand scrolls, all tell one thing: only the Golden Elixir is the ancestor, the root. 萬卷仙經語總同,金丹只此是根宗。 (Awakening to Reality, "Regulated Verses", poem 16)

② Unity.

The Golden Elixir is the Great Ultimate (taiji). . . . All discourses about refining the Golden Elixir are teachings about the Great Ultimate. 夫金丹者,太極也。. . . 所謂煅煉金丹之說,即完成太極之旨。 (Liu Yiming, Cultivating the Tao, chap. 15)

③ The precelestial Breath (yuanqi).

The Golden Elixir is the precelestial Breath. 金丹乃先天之氣。 (The Seal of the Unity of the Three, sec. 48, comm. Chen Zhixu)

[The Precelestial Breath] is also called . . . Golden Elixir. 〔先天之氣〕又名金丹。 (Liu Yiming, Cultivating the Tao, chap. 3)

④ Inner Nature (xing).

The original True Nature is called Golden Elixir. 本來真性喚金丹。 (Wang Chongyang, Complete Reality: An Anthology by Wang Chongyang, chap. 2)

“Golden” means “solid” and “Elixir” means “round, complete”. . . . The original True Nature is indestructible for numberless eons, solid like gold and round like a pill. The more it is refined, the more it is luminous. 金者堅也,丹者圓也。. . . 本來真性,永劫不壞,如金之堅,如丹之圓,愈鍊愈明。 (Li Daochun, The Harmony of the Center: An Anthology, chap. 3)

⑤ Conjunction of Nature (xing), Emotions (qing), Essence (jing), Breath (qi), and Spirit (shen). An image of the return to Unity.

When the three families see one another, the Infant coalesces. 三家相見結嬰兒。 Comm. Liu Yiming: When the four images join one another, and when the five agents gather together, then Nature, Emotions, Essence, Breath, and Spirit coagulate and coalesce one with the other. This is why it says, “When the three families see one another, the Infant coalesces”. . . . It is called the Infant, the One Breath prior to Heaven, the Embryo of Sainthood, the Golden Elixir. 和合四象,攢簇五行,則性、情、精、氣、神凝結。. . . 是云三家相見。. . . 名曰嬰兒,又曰先天一氣,又曰聖胎,又曰金丹。 (Awakening to Reality, "Regulated Verses", poem 14)